名词蜂蜜; <口>宝贝; 可爱的"人
形容词蜜的; 心爱的; 加了蜜的; (蜜一样)甘美的
及物动词给…加蜜; 对…甜言蜜语
英 [ˈhʌni] 美 [ˈhʌni]
1. She got where she did by honeying up to the boss.
1. That camera is a honey.
2. That car is a honey.
3. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.
4. I love you, honey.
1. Synergy of Recombinant Enhancin of Trichoplusia ni Granulovirus; 2. The synergy of honey and cabbage filtrate on Autographa Californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thringiensis against the larvae of plus agnate was studied.
室内以蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁分别添饲银纹夜蛾幼虫,测定了其对AcNPV和Bt的增效作用,结果表明:在中低浓度AcNPV时,蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁液刺激银纹夜蛾幼虫初期取食,其感染后前3 d的粪便量比只有AcNPV处理的增加34。
2. Honey helps increase the haemoglobin in the blood, as it is rich in iron, copper and manganese.
3. Real honey contains protein, so when it is added in juice or tea, it will act with the tannic acid and result in sediments.
4. You know, I think my youngest daughter was born with honey in her mouth!
5. Dad: In a minute, honey.
爸爸︰ 過一會兒,親愛的。
6. You and your honey can bask in the sun, go snorkeling and diving.
7. Rachel: I think I just shipped 3, 000 bras to personnel. Oh honey, I gotta go.
8. A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
1. Dissolve the corn starch with water and add to the honey and lemon juice.
2. Some are best eaten raw - such as the little honey red and cherry toms.
3. Lu says honey helped her overcome endocrine dyspraxia, after she gave birth to a child.
4. And then there are the ten flavors of house rum at 15 yuan a glass, ranging from ginger and honey to orange and clove.
5. Honey may work by coating and soothing an irritated throat, the study authors said.
6. Vivid flowers on a cushion used by a woman for her motorcycle were so lifelike that hundreds of bees attempted to collect honey from it.
7. With age they mature into considerate adults able to express themselves more elegantly, offering aromas of honey and toast.
8. Flavors of honey and lemon present themselves in a delightful combination, and those flavors linger a long time like a new lover"s farewell kiss.
9. Like ants to honey the population feeds and thrives on this devotion to the family, which is at the core of Chinese New Year celebrations.
10. Serve hot with a drizzle of honey and a dollop of fresh cream.
标签: honey中文意思